Documentary method and staging are used to create a series of images that are revolving around the polysemy of a bathtub. On one hand, a bathtub is a private, warm place where one takes a breath after a chaotic day while resting, protected from the ‘outer’ world. On the other hand, it is a place where one can deny breathing, being violently drowned, or committing suicide. For that reason, images shift from scenes of dominance where all the figures appear as servants or bodyguards, the central model, who directly looks at the camera/viewer, to the subtly horrific images that go beyond reality, revealing the reality of our subconsciousness, of our fears of violent death. The Breathpresents a double life, a Schrodinger situation of being and not being somewhere at the same time, of being at the utmost state of relaxation and of freezing fear. By crossing the subtle line between the private and the public space, figures (whose identity/faces are not captured) firstly appear as bodyguards of the central figure, but then start holding her in the bathtub (as in mental hospitals), as she gradually appears as a body, lifeless, with closed eyes. She becomes a metaphor for all those lost underwater or by violent death, or, more abstractly, of all those moments of (ir)rational fear that delineate our everyday activities. The balancing, Schrodinger-like situation is visually achieved not only with balanced compositions but also with color schemes used in the scenes and complementing patterns (the tattoos and the carpet). In these settings, nothing is certain, the viewer is only given suggestions and s/he can develop a narrative in any direction.